Yet another good one from the woman that gave us The Devil Wears Prada. Although I must admit that we didn’t get off to a good start.
I read a few chapters and found it rather flat, so I left it sleeping on my bookshelf for about 5 months, with no real intention of finishing it. But then I had an impromptu business trip, and as it was the easiest one to grab, I ended up passing the idle hours at the airport forcing myself to continue the book.
Emmy was your typical post-break-up dumpee whose expectations of wedding bells and babies have been shattered by the man she thought was the love of her life.
Adrianna was the Paris Hilton-ish modern day princess, except she’s Latina-hot.
And Leigh, the “Everything’s-perfect-so-why-am-I-not-happy?” type.
They all make a pact one night to each do something drastic in their lives (SPOILER ALERT) – Emmy to go on her “tour-de-whore”, Adrianna to trade in her own tour-de-whore with a quest to bag an eligible man who will put a Harry Winston on her finger, and Leigh to…well, I can’t remember! I think she was just keeping tabs on both girls.
An interesting enough plot, but for some reason I just felt that it dragged on for a couple more paragraphs. Thankfully, halfway through, things started to pick up, and I found myself no longer forced to reach the end of each page. The lives of Emmy, Leigh and Adrianna just started to get interesting. (No, no more spoilers coming, you’ll have to read it for yourselves!)
All in all, I think it was a pretty good read. Maybe Weisberger took a bit long to set up the situation and the characters, but once things started getting interesting, you get hooked all the way ‘til the end. Definitely worth adding to your chick lit collection ☺
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